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Quatrième de couverture
Cass has stumbled on something that might be an entirely different type of physics, and she's travelled three hundred and fifty light-years to Mimosa Station, a remote experimental facility, to test her theory. The novo-vacuum she creates is predicted to begin decaying the instant it's created, but even so short-lived a microscopic speck could shed new light on the origins of the universe.
But instead of decaying, Cass's novo-vacuum is wildly successful and begins expanding, slowly but inexorably taking over the universe ...
SCHILD'S LADDER: a wild ride through the far future by one of the world's most respected and acclaimed writers.
Collection : GOLLANCZ
Éditeur : GOLLANCZ
EAN : 9780575082069
ISBN : 978-0-575-08206-9
Parution :